Ordering & Delivery

Which package is right for me?
The majority of our juicing clients will opt for the Classic Cleanse. The vegetable juices in this cleanse have some natural sweetness from fruit. If you are an experienced juicer and looking for something more advanced, you can opt for our Deep Detox cleanse which is pure vegetables and no fruit. If you do opt for the Deep Detox cleanse, please be aware that for those not used to drinking pure green vegetable juices, the flavour of the juices may taste bitter and not as palatable compared to the Classic Cleanse. 

How many days should I cleanse for?
This is completely down to your personal goals and current health status. A cleanse longer than 3 days is a more intense experience and a cleanse lasting up to 6 days is certainly for the more experienced juicer. However long you choose, we recommend that you’re in a comfortable environment and fairly flexible with your schedule, so you can relax into your cleanse and listen to your body. 

What day will my package be delivered?
You can choose what date you’d like your cleanse to be delivered at the time of making your purchase. Deliveries are made on Tuesdays and Thursday's between 9am and 6pm. If you've purchased a six day cleanse, you will receive 2 separate deliveries as the juices are made fresh. 

I want to order a 6-day cleanse, what delivery day should I choose?
If ordering a 6 day cleanse, we recommend ordering so that the 1st delivery is on a Tuesday and the 2nd is on a Thursday so you can enjoy a 6-day continuous cleanse.
If you prefer to have the 1st delivery on a Thursday with the 2nd delivery on Tuesday there will be a 2 x day break in the cleanse if you are to start it straight away (until the 2nd delivery is made on Tuesday). If you'd prefer to do this, your options are: 
  • When the cleanse arrives on Thursday, you can freeze 2 x days worth of juice, soups and Tonics and start your cleanse on the Saturday. This way the juices will keep fresh (shelf life of juices, soups and Tonics are 3 days in the fridge) and you can move continuously through the cleanse for the next six days, with your second delivery being Tuesday. 
  • Some of our clients prefer to start the cleanse on the Thursday when the juices arrive and then on the Sunday & Monday they have a more modified cleanse eg their own healthy plant-based eating, smoothies and salads. They then continue their final three days of the juice cleanse when the second delivery arrives on the Tuesday.
  • Note:  During the gap on the day of delivery whilst waiting for it to arrive, you can follow the same routine as the clients starting on the Thursday with a healthy plant-based eating, or have a piece of fruit, make your own juice/soup, or just have a complete break with water to stay hydrated.

Does the cost of the cleanse include the delivery charge?
No, the delivery charge is £9.99 per order, no matter how many items are in it and added at checkout.

If you have ordered a 6 day cleanse, the delivery charge will be applied to the 1st part only.

Item Cost
3 day Cleanse £9.99
6 day Cleanse - Part 1 £9.99
                             Part 2 Free

Do I have to pay for delivery, or can I collect the cleanse myself?
If you would prefer to collect the order(s) yourself:

  1. On the Cart page select a date on the calendar closest to your preferred collection date, and then enter into the notes box below one of the following collection days:
    • Monday or Tuesday -
      • Production day Sunday
      • Order cutoff Saturday 12pm
    • Wednesday or Thursday -
      • Production day Tuesday
      • Order cutoff Monday 12pm
  2. On the Payment page select 'Collection in Person'.
Note: If the date closest to your preferred collection date is not available on the calendar for delivery, we regret, we cannot produce your cleanse for collection either.


Where is my cleanse made?
Your juices, soups and tonics are made on-site by the expert chef team at Amchara Health Retreat in Somerset.  Please note, the juices, soups and tonics are produced in a kitchen that also handles nuts.

How is my juice made?
We use a state-of-the-art cold-press juicing machine to produce your juices. Cold-press juicers differ in the production process compared to a regular centrifugal juicer by preserving and retaining the vitamin, mineral and enzyme content of the juice for several days. You can rest assured that every last drop of your juice is of the highest nutritional value. 

Are all of your ingredients organic?
We do our best to source local, organic produce wherever possible. 

How long will my cleanse last?
Your juices, soups and tonics will last in the fridge for up to three days. If you order a cleanse for longer than three days you will receive a second and/or third delivery. 

Why has my juice separated?
Natural separation is completely normal for raw, cold-pressed juices. This happens because there are no preservatives or additives in the juice recipe. Simply shake before consuming! 

Can I freeze my juice and soup?
Yes you can, however we recommend decanting a small amount of juice from the bottle before you do this as it will expand when freezing. Keep your juices/soups and tonics in the fridge when defrosting to prevent spoilage.

What are your bottles made from?
All of our juice bottles are made from recyclable PET. They can be recycled again after use.

How many calories are in your juices and soups?
Our juices and soups range from approximately 50-250 calories per bottle. 

Juice Cleansing

What exactly is a cleanse?
Juice cleansing is abstaining from food for a period of time and instead consuming healthy, vegetable-based juices. Choosing to do a cleanse can be a life changing decision. The accumulation of toxins and waste within the body has been linked to several health issues and may play a role in hormone imbalances and the development of certain degenerative conditions.

Although the liver carries out detoxification on a daily basis, taking a step back from your usual lifestyle and opting to cleanse can enhance body detoxification. Your body uses a large proportion of energy on digestion and elimination of food. When you juice cleanse, your body is relieved of this requirement, meaning more energy can be diverted to other needs such as cellular renewal and repair

How often should I cleanse?
This is down to your personal goals and current health status. If you are unsure we always advise speaking to a healthcare professional first. Some people may choose to juice cleanse at the start of a new season, once every month or once every six months. Others may wish to enjoy our juices daily as a nutritional boost alongside their usual meals.

Where will I get my protein?
Whilst your juices and soups do contain some protein, we have included 2 x 10g sachets of organic pea protein powder per day in all of our juice cleanses to boost your daily intake. You can add this to your juices across the day. Please refer to your information booklet for guidance. 

Can I drink coffee and/or alcohol during a cleanse?
We advise against consuming caffeine or alcohol to give your body the best environment to cleanse and reset. This will prevent any unnecessary toxins entering your liver as your body undergoes the detox process. 

Can I exercise on a cleanse?
Listen to your body. Some people can function as normal whilst undergoing a cleanse whereas others may find that they need rest and restorative activities. We do advise against rigorous  exercise such intense cardio and suggest more relaxed workouts like yoga, Pilates, a walk or light jog. As your body is going through a positive change process whilst detoxing it’s sensible to be gentle with yourself.  

Can I eat food alongside the juices?
Some people enjoy their juices as a nutritional boost in their everyday life and alongside their usual meals. Others may wish to undertake a full juice cleanse. The choice is yours and down to what your personal health goals are. Always speak to a healthcare professional first if you feel unsure. 

Do I need to consume my juices in a particular order?
We have indicated in your information booklet (which comes with your cleanse) the order to consume your juices. Our health team have based this on the ingredients, nutrient content and flavour to suit particular times of the day. That being said, the suggested order isn’t mandatory and you can consume them in a different order should you wish.

How much weight will I lose?
Some natural weight loss may occur however sustainable weight loss happens over the long term when whole-body and whole-lifestyle adjustments are made. We do not advocate crash diets and our cleanses should not be used in this way. Our juice cleanses enable your body to utilise a huge intake of vitamins, minerals and enzymes and for you to feel like the best version of you. 

Are there any side-effects of undergoing a juice cleanse?
Detoxification and elimination involves several organs including the liver, bowels, skin, lymphatic system, kidneys and bladder and even the lungs. Toxins are stored in fat tissue and once mobilised they need to be neutralised, a process which requires several essential nutrients. Once they are neutralised they are made water soluble, ready for excretion. There are several routes for the elimination of toxins, explaining why a diverse set of symptoms may occur, including headaches, fatigue, mood swings, brain fog or sleep disruptions. These symptoms are extremely common and indicate your body is removing toxins. Most people find that they experience less symptoms if they detox a  number of times a year and maintain a healthy lifestyle in between their cleanses.

How do I break the cleanse?
We advise small, light portions to break your cleanse and to avoid highly-processed, sugary foods. Keep hydrated with lots of water. Refer to your information booklet for guidance. 

I’m taking prescription medication, can I undergo a cleanse?
We always advise speaking with your healthcare professional before undergoing a cleanse if you’re on prescription medication.

I am pregnant/breastfeeding, can I undergo a cleanse?
We advise against juice cleansing if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it’s not sensible to restrict your food intake to a liquid only diet. Please speak to your healthcare professional if you have any queries about this.